
Mirkwood Spiders

Name: Mirkwood Spiders

AKA: Unknown

Location: Mirkwood

Novel: The Hobbit

Author: J.R.R. Tolkien

Natural History:
Discovered by Bilbo Baggins and company on their journey to the Lonely Mountain. Upon entering Mirkwood, which had become a dark and sinister place with the coming of the Necromancer in Dol Guldur, these giant spiders ensnared the thirteen dwarves.

The spiders were huge and hideous, weaving their webs in the trees and hanging their captured prey in bundles,which they preferred to let hang a bit. They spoke to one another in a sort of thin creaking and hissing. To slow down their prey, they used their stingers. Their legs were hairy and they had many eyes.

Bilbo Baggins enraged them by calling them Attercop, Old Tomnoddy, lazy Lob and crazy Cob. The spiders were easily defeated by the throwing of stones and by Sting, Bilbo's sword.

The spiders may have been from the brood of Shelob.

"What nasty thick skins they have to be sure, but I'll wager there is good juice inside." -Spider

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